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This website provides information about Optimum Complexity Limited (“Optimum”). Optimum is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The content of this website has been prepared by Optimum from its records and is believed to be accurate but we do not accept any liability or responsibility in respect of the information or any views expressed herein.
The website is provided for the main purpose of providing generic information on Optimum and on our investment philosophy. It does not constitute or form part of any offer to issue or sell, or any solicitation of an offer to subscribe or purchase any investment; nor shall it or the fact of its availability form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract therefore. This information is directed only at: (i) certain persons having professional experience relating to investments; and (ii) certain high net worth organisations, each as set out under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005. It is not intended to offer investors the opportunity to invest in any Investment product. No information contained in this website should be deemed to constitute the provision of financial, investment or other professional advice in any way. The website should not be relied upon as including sufficient information to support any investment decision.
Although the information in this communication is believed to be materially correct as at the date of issue, no representation or warranty is given as to the accuracy of any of the information provided. Furthermore, no representation or warranty is given in respect of the correctness of the information contained herein as at any future date. Certain information included in this communication is based on information obtained from third-party sources considered to be reliable. Any projections or analysis provided to assist the recipient of this communication in evaluating the matters described herein may be based on subjective assessments and assumptions and may use one among alternative methodologies that produce different results. Accordingly, any projections or analysis should not be viewed as factual and should not be relied upon as an accurate prediction of future results. Furthermore, to the extent permitted by law, Optimum, the investment products it manages, and its affiliates, agents, service providers and professional advisers assume no liability or responsibility and owe no duty of care for any consequences of any person acting or refraining to act in reliance on the information contained in this communication or for any decision based on it.
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